How to Extinguish a Burning Turkey (or Any Other Oven Fire)

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash.
  1. Close the oven and broiler doors immediately.

    Turn the oven off.

  2. Open nearby windows and doors and turn on the oven hood.

    Smoke will pour out of the oven vent, so turn the hood fan to its highest setting and open the doors and windows to clear the smoke. Try to establish cross-ventilation by opening as many exterior doors and windows as you can.

  3. Wait five minutes before taking further action.

    Ovens are designed for high heat, so the oven should contain and extinguish the fire without an issue. Keep the oven door shut for at least five minutes to avoid adding oxygen to the fire. Oven fires can usually be extinguished without help from the fire department or even an extinguisher.

  4. Do not attempt to smother or extinguish the fire while it is in the oven.

    The high temperatures could ignite anything you use to smother it, and water will simply splatter the fat around.

  5. Open the oven door slightly after five minutes.

    Keep your face back when you open it—open it at arm’s length. If the turkey is still burning, close the door immediately and wait several more minutes before checking again.

  6. If the fire continues for more than ten minutes, or if flames begin coming out of the closed oven door, call the fire department.

  7. Remove the burnt bird (or item).

    Use caution as it will be extremely hot. Place the bird on a cutting board or platter and wait at least 10 minutes before attempting to rescue your meal.

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